Welcome to the MATFA store

Where YOU are the cure for MAGA fatigue

The store is closed for maintenance

Company Mission

What We Believe

We believe political activism creates a healthy democracy. We feel it can be a creative expression of the part of people that believes in the potential for positive change. We strive to ignite authentic expression of your views, and to give you a stylish way to do so.

We believe every person has the power to rise up and ignite the change they want to see in the world.

Mission Statement

To provide quality apparel which spreads ideas, inspires activism, supports a healthy democracy by connecting people, and gives a united voice to We The People.

Vision Statement

We envision a vibrant, healthy and inclusive democracy in which every person participates in their right to have free speech, assembly, a free press, and protection through the rule of law.

Our Cause

It’s simple, and you can see it all around us. It’s dozens of communities, messages and voices, but there is one faint theme rising from them all. Call it what you like, The Blue Wave, The Blue Tsunami, Not My President, Vote Blue No Matter Who, they all want the same thing. Make America Trump Free Again!


We came together to create our offerings for two simple reasons.

First, we feel Democrats needed a uniting rallying cry to bring us together. With all the candidates we have running, each with different messages and party faction support, it’s far too easy for us to get fragmented.

The simple idea is this, Make America Trump Free Again! We don’t care if you support, or supported, Biden, Bloomberg, Sanders, Steyer, Warren, or any of the others, we need unity around the one goal! MATFA. Wear this hat everywhere, and with pride! Represent the vision and our goal, especially at rallies, and help others to keep the goal in mind.

Finally, our apparel has a message, and gives everyone a peaceful way to make their views known, protest M A G A, and match their numbers. It’s easy to have a negative reaction with so many M A G A hats around. However, it’s not good for our community to behave in a way which goes against our core democratic beliefs.

So the next time you see M A G A, don’t get mad, Get MATFA!

Our Commitment

We have such a dedicated and burning commitment to the #MATFA cause that we’re putting our money into it. When you join the cause, we put your money in to. As partners we’ll join together to help Make America Trump Free Again!

Help us! Help the cause! Help our democracy!

Our goal is a million #MATFA hats all telling millions of like-minded people about the cause.

To that end, we’re donating 50%, YES, THAT’S CORRECT --50%-- of our net profits towards the nominee facing Trump in the 2020 elections. That means we are setting aside our money to make sure our goals are fulfilled.

We’re committed!

What’s your commitment?


About Us

The #MATFA Team

We here at #MATFA have different views on politics. We wanted different candidates to win the 2016 nomination. We even debated the policies of one candidate over the other. We watched the 2016 elections with great anticipation, as individuals back then, but we were all concerned and patriotic participants in our democracy. Despite our varied views, one thing was true of all of us. We believe in the American vision of democracy.

We believe in the United States Constitution and the Bill Of Rights it gives us. We believe those rights extend to those who seek its comfort and shelter, no matter where they’re from, or their color or creed. We believe in decency, justice, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and co-equal powers of our branches of government. We believe in good stewardship, science --and-- religion, inclusiveness, trust, and collaboration. We believe in building bridges rather than walls. When we went to bed on election night 2016, we felt we went to sleep in an America where most people agreed with our beliefs.

When we awoke the next morning and realized half the voting population decided on a person like Trump to head our great nation, and occupy the highest seat in the land, we realized America was a very different place than we believed it to be. It was at that moment we all individually took up our democratic responsibility to make sure Trump, his ideas, and his vision for the future never make it past four years. We committed our time, skills and money to supporting the projects seeking the same goals we had, and we went to work.

As we moved through the various organizations and projects, we found there was no unifying mantra, no central theme to our goal of Making America Trump Free Again. There was no simple Trumpian statement to chant. That’s when one of our founders had the idea. We can do a hat! It can be a hat that will help like-minded individuals combat the divisive version of m a g a Trump and his supporters represent. So it was born, #MATFA, the antidote to m a g a fatigue.

We’re a group of average people. We hail from different regions of America, and even come from different countries originally. We live in different cities now, time zones even. We have different socio-economics, different education levels, and very different professions. We are a microcosm of America, part of its fabric. We have many beliefs, but we have that single idea and ideal of what America stands for and how our Democratic Republic should look.

We are now #MATFA. We are a cause! Join us to Make America Trump Free Again!

The very soul of our nation is at stake…


Our location? We are everywhere! We’re located in the hearts and minds of every freedom-loving American who believes in our constitution and the Democratic Republic it founded.